
Showing posts from October, 2020

optional questions

 The use of the high speed of circuit breaker  1. Reduces the short CB. 2. Improves the system stability  3. Decrease system stability  4. Increase the short circuit current answer 2 (system stable bna rhe) Keeping in the view the cost and overall effectiveness , the following CB is best suited for capacitor bank switching. 1. vacuum 2. air blast 3.SF6 4. oil answer 1 (vacuum)


  IN AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER USES AIR TO PROTECT AN ELECTRIC CIRCUIT FROM DAMAGE CAUSED BY EXCESS CURRENT FROM AN OVERLOAD OR SHORT CIRCUIT. AFTER FAULT IS DETECTED, IT INTERRUPTS CURRENT FLOW .An arc will appear bw the contacts that have broken the circuit. Air circuit breaker use compressed air to blow out the arc and contacts are rapidly swung into a small sealed chamber.  resistance switching is normally employed in air blast CB. in this resistance high current flow which is operated.


While the real or active power is the energy supplied to run a motor, heat a home, or illuminate an electric light bulb, reactive power provides the important function of regulating the voltage thereby to helping to move power effectively through the utility grid and transmission lines to where it is required by the load.                                                                     रिएक्टिव पावर वो पावर है जो वोल्टेज को पूरा करता है जितने की मांग होती है लोड को.   example : when we on  the हैवी लोड component it requires the component to  be stable position .THIS REQUIREMENT IS FULFILL BY REACTIVE POWER                     REACTIVE POWER IN NUMERICAL FORM.                           ...
  What is feeder?                          The feeder is the subsubstation at every {power house} to supply the current by the distributors means by step down transformer to house.